Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 26 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2025
David LM
In Your Lap

The Arab Spring called us all
The people win when the dictators fall
I heard a bang and an almighty crack
And I just want my face in your lap

The people sing when the warlords all burn
Do not feel sad, it's simply their turn
They tried to wipe us clean off the map
And I just want my face in your lap
I just want my face in your lap

I rescued you in so many ways
You're good for a laugh, that's all you can say
Summer is winter and winter prevails
And I'm so tired of counting the days
I'm so tired of counting the days

The security force is always the worst
Government advised, they're spraying our eyes
They live to kill and they love just to harm
And I'm dreaming of touching your arm


Album: Low In High School
Year of Publication: 2017
Lyrics: Morrissey
Music: Gustavo Manzur

last update: 02.04.2018

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Nel tuo grembo

La Primavera Araba ci ha svegliati tutti
Il popolo vince quando i dittatori cadono
Ho sentito un colpo ed una spaccatura tremenda
Ed io voglio soltanto mettere il mio viso nel tuo grembo

Il popolo canta quando i signori della guerra bruciano
Non essere triste, semplicemente è il loro turno
Hanno tentato di spazzarci via dalla cartina
Ed io voglio soltanto mettere il mio viso nel tuo grembo
Voglio soltanto mettere il mio viso nel tuo grembo

Ti ho salvato in tanti modi
Tu vai bene per una risata, dici solo questo di me
L'estate è inverno e l'inverno prevale
Ed io sono così stanco di contare i giorni
Sono così stanco di contare i giorni

Le forze di sicurezza sono sempre le peggiori
Il governo le ha consigliate, ci spruzzano gli occhi
Vivono per uccidere ed adorano fare del male
Ed io sogno di toccare il tuo braccio


Album: Low In High School
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017
Testo: Morrissey
Musica: Gustavo Manzur

ultimo agg.: 02.04.2018

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