Wor(l)d of Morrissey
  We're back! Welcome to the world of Morrissey's lyrics.

This site and all of the work made to keep it updated during the last 25 years are dedicated to my beloved friend MaCa65 who suddenly left this lonely planet
and me without words. Throughout the short stretch of time that we have been given to spend together as close friends, we shared many things,
thoughts, passions and some bits of Life. Back in 1983, together we discovered a band called The Smiths and together since then, we followed Morrissey's career
as one of the most influential and inspiring singer/artist/poet of our age. Maca65 has always been a strong supporter since when I first launched WoM,
so this is and will always be entirely for you, my friend. -- David

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© 2003-2024
David LM

Further into the fog I fall
Well, I was just
Following you!
When you said: "Do as I do and scrap your fey ways"
"Grow up, be a man, and close your mealy-mouth!"
But the person underneath
Where does he go?
Does he slide by the wayside?
Or ... does he just die?
And you find that you've organised
Your feelings, for people
Who didn't like you then
And do not like you now
But still you say: "Do as I do and scrap your fey ways"
"Grow up, be a man, and close your mealy-mouth!"
"The Safe way is the only way!
There's always time to change, son!"
I've changed
But I'm in pain!

Dial-A-Cliché: in the USA and UK you can call telephone services and speak with an expert of a particular topic (for example, dial-a-lawyer), or to listen to music (dial-a-record) or get a cooking recipe (dial-a-recipe). Here Morrissey uses it sarcastically towards the clichés (commonplaces or stereotypes) that society imposes as role models. The same models to which the protagonist of the lyrics (maybe Morrissey himself) tries to adhere, ending up with despair, though, because he's trying to be someone he can't be.

Album: Viva Hate
Year of Publication: 1988
Lyrics: Morrissey
Music: Stephen Street

last update: 06.09.2005

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Please send them in! or
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Read the Message Board about these lyrics!

Sempre più finisco nella nebbia
Ebbene, stavo proprio
seguendo te
quando dicevi: "Fa' come me e lascia stare quei tuoi modi stravaganti"
"Cresci, sii uomo e chiudi quella tua bocca melliflua!"
E la persona che c'è sotto
dove va a finire?
Scivola lungo il margine della strada?
Oppure.. semplicemente scompare?
E scopri che hai organizzato
i tuoi sentimenti per gente
a cui non piacevi un tempo
e a cui non piaci adesso
Nonostante tutto ancora insisti nel dire:
"Fa' come me, lascia stare quei tuoi modi stravaganti"
"Cresci, sii uomo e chiudi quella tua bocca melliflua!"
"La strada Sicura è la sola strada!
C'é sempre tempo per cambiare, figliolo!"
Sono cambiato
Ma sono disperato!

Dial-A-Cliché: in USA e in Inghilterra spesso si chiamano in questo modo i servizi telefonici nei quali è possibile contattare un esperto di una materia (per es. dial-a-lawyer), ascoltare una musica (dial-a-record) o una ricetta di cucina (dial-a-recipe). Qui è usato in maniera scarcastica nei confronti dei cliché (luoghi comuni) che la società impone in fatto di modelli comportamentali. Modelli ai quali il protagonista del testo (forse Morrissey stesso) tenta di adeguarsi, finendo però nella disperazione nel tentare di essere ciò che non è.

Album: Viva Hate
Anno di pubblicazione: 1988
Testo: Morrissey
Musica: Stephen Street

ultimo agg.: 06.09.2005

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