Song Message Board ::
02/05/2006 Also, while Morrissey may very well be with the person at the end of the song - that is, physically together - he may actually simply be viewing photographs or film/video of that person. He sees him or her 'looking to the camera' and 'pulling faces'. Maybe he's there before the camera pulling faces too, or maybe he's only viewing the addressed person through artifacts like film. This beautiful part of the song makes me think of many things; one of them is James Dean. love, math+ Math Tinder (Brooklyn, USA) 02/04/2006 I'm not entirely sure the lyrics are obviously addressed to a Muslim. It's honestly so vague. 'It's so easy for us to sit together / But so hard for our hearts to combine' reminds me of statements (questions) so basic as, 'In my life why do I smile at people who I'd much rather kick in the eye?' Morrissey certainly could be speaking to a Muslim, could be speaking to Bin Laden - and why not imagine it? - but for me, this is one of those times when he is talking to absolutely anybody, with a very nearly annoying lack of specificity.
But then he suddenly delivers in those magical final lines. Messing around in front of a camera and 'pulling faces'... suddenly it all becomes grounded in a scene. And it's so vastly suggestive, but immediately imaginable. And so suddenly sexual! But why does it feel sexual?
It's an incredible song. I can't wait for the album. Also, I had no idea there was a dual English/Italian Morrissey website. That's fantastic, especially seeing as how he seems to be taking up residence in Rome.
math+ Math Tinder (Brooklyn, USA) 08/02/2006 I obviously don't know if he is moving to Rome for sure, but he has not returned since making the album - three videos have been shot in Italy - and he sold his house in West Hollywood. He's also made some statements about being extremely taken with the city, and 'inspired' because it is 'the opposite' of Los Angeles where he has lived for the past 6-7 years.
It is, indeed, always nice to get up and move to a new city, isn't it? But I can't confirm the rumor, no. A site that called itself the Italian